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Collapsible List Group
Create collapsible list groups with List Group and the Collapse module.
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Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...
Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...
Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...
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<div class="list-group-item" style="padding: 24px 24px 30px">Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...</div>
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<div class="list-group-item" style="padding: 24px 24px 30px">Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...</div>
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<div class="list-group-item"style="padding: 24px 24px 30px">Breve, french press, shop arabica white blue mountain shop foam acerbic wings extraction white, at iced irish french press rich fair trade rich aromatic whipped. To go variety spoon americano aged froth, milk cup cortado, white redeye cinnamon turkish...</div>
Collapsible Linked List Groups
Create collapsible lists of links with Linked List Group and the Collapse module.
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Collapsible Tabular List Groups
Insert Tabular List Groups inside
to create collapsible Tabular List Groups.
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Larry Bird the best power forward in Celtic's history.
Monica Bellucci
5 Folders 4 Entries
Karl Malone the best power forward in Jazz history.
Monica Bellucci
5 Folders 4 Entries
Larry Bird the best power forward in Celtic's history.
Monica Bellucci
5 Folders 4 Entries
Karl Malone the best power forward in Jazz history.
Monica Bellucci
5 Folders 4 Entries
Larry Bird the best power forward in Celtic's history.
Monica Bellucci
Approved -
Karl Malone the best power forward in Jazz history.
Monica Bellucci
Pending -
Dennis Rodman the best power forward in Bulls history.
Monica Bellucci
Draft -
LeBron James the best power forward in Heat history.
Monica Bellucci
Expired -
Tim Duncan the best power forward in Spurs' history.
Monica Bellucci
Scheduled -
Kevin Garnett the best power forward in Pistons' history.
Monica Bellucci
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