Fixes #1242 - (LexiconCSS) SVG Icons added .lexicon-icon-container to wrap svg icons so we can have the icon name spoken for screen readers at bare minimum
Site: (LexiconCSS) Wrap SVG Icons in .lexicon-icon-container
Site: Change port to 3001
v1.0.29 - October 30, 2018
Fixes #1266 - (1.x) Force reflow sidenav to prevent issue in IE11
Fixes #1252 - Management Bar added .management-bar-item-xs-inline-block
v1.0.28 - May 23, 2018
Update: (#926) Adds pointer-events: none to .lexicon-icon to prevent SVG title attributes from overriding HTML title attribute
v1.0.27 - May 4, 2018
Update: (Fixes #859) Fix whitespace issue with inline-scroller
v1.0.26 - November 27, 2017
Update: (Fixes #379) Glyphicon Font path should point to the right directory
Misc: Don’t need to patch Bootstrap Variable file anymore
v1.0.25 - October 5, 2017
Fix: Management Bar Collapse can’t click form elements in dropdown
Update: Table move border-collapse: collapse and border-spacing: 0 to .table and restore default values for table
Site: Management Bar Demo page can’t fully scroll site pages
Site: Use rootPath instead of relative path for images and icons
v1.0.24 - August 4, 2017
New: Lexicon Icons autosize, custom-size, order-arrow, and pages-tree
Update: Deprecate $brand-*-*, $state-*-*, $inverse-*-*, and $box-shadow-default-* will be removed in V2
Site: Add aria-hidden=”true” to all icons
v1.0.23 - July 21, 2017
New: Lexicon Icons envelope-open and envelope-closed
Update: Navbar $navbar-link-active-bottom-border-width should be based on $navbar-border-bottom-width
Update: Atlas Navbar use variable $navbar-margin-bottom instead of hard coding value
v1.0.22 - June 29, 2017
New: Nav Nested added $nav-nested-link-active-bg, $nav-nested-link-active-color and active states
Update: Nav added word-break: wrap-word; to nav-links
Update: Estonia and Thai flag sizing
Site: Navs demo added active states to Nested Nav
v1.0.21 - June 27, 2017
New: Add Estonia and Thai flags
Site: Remove unused images
v1.0.20 - June 14, 2017
Fix: side-navigation.js Simple Sidenav should add open class to data-content in mobile
Update: .aspect-ratio-center.aspect-ratio-middle should center and vertically align
v1.0.19 - April 3, 2017
New: Added Lexicon SVG Icons add-role.svg and remove-role.svg
v1.0.18 - March 6, 2017
New: Progress Bar add option to customize $progress-bar-font-size
New: Progress Bar add option to customize progress bar container $progress-box-shadow
New: Progress Bars add option to customize $progress-bar-box-shadow, $progress-bar-height
New: Pagination add option to customize border-radius of pagination-sm and pagination-lg independent of global border-radius variables
New: Pagination add option to customize $pagination-items-per-page-bg
New: Pagination add option to customize $pagination-items-per-page-border
New: Pagination add options to customize $pagination-items-per-page-color$pagination-results-color to Lexicon Base
New: Atlas Navbar Collapsible Search added options to customize $navbar-default-collapsible-search-highlight$navbar-inverse-collapsible-search-highlight
New: Dropdowns added option to customize $dropdown-menu-min-height
New: Dropdowns added options to customize $dropdown-padding-bottom, $dropdown-padding-left, $dropdown-padding-right, $dropdown-padding-top
New: Dropdowns add option to customize $dropdown-menu-min-width
New: Dropdowns add options to customize $dropdown-font-size, $dropdown-menu-max-width in Lexicon Base
New: Dropdowns add option to customize $dropdown-box-shadow in Lexicon Base
New: Dropdowns add option to customize $dropdown-border-style, $dropdown-border-width
New: Management Bar add option to customize $management-bar-dropdown-menu-margin-top
New: Management Bar add option to customize $management-bar-default-box-shadow
New: Atlas added options to customize $navbar-default-collapsible-search-focus-border, $navbar-inverse-collapsible-search-focus-border
Update: Atlas change checkbox height to 14px in webkit browsers
Update: Atlas Checkbox and Radio Label should use $input-label-font-weight variable
Update: Atlas add $line-height-computed to _globals.scss and use in $input-checkbox-label-line-height, $management-bar-link-line-height
Update: Pagination rename $pagination-border-radius-lg, $pagination-border-radius-sm to $pagination-lg-border-radius, $pagination-sm-border-radius added in 4be569 respectively
Update: pagination-items-per-page dropdown-toggle should use $pagination-item-padding
Update: Pagination border radius should apply to pagination-items-per-page
Update: Pagination $pagination-hover-color should inherit from $pagination-color
Update: Atlas Navbar Collapsible Search rename $navbar-default-collapsible-search-focus-border, $navbar-inverse-collapsible-search-focus-border to $navbar-default-collapsible-search-focus-highlight, $navbar-inverse-collapsible-search-focus-highlight added in d082a7d respectively
Update: Atlas navbar-default-border-widths should inherit from navbar-border-widths
Update: Lexicon Base $dropdown-link-padding should change the padding on dropdown links
Update: Lexicon Base Dropdowns $dropdown-header-font-size should change the font-size of .dropdown-header
v1.0.17 - February 21, 2017
New: Breadcrumbs add options to customize $breadcrumb-link-hover-color, $breadcrumb-link-text-decoration, $breadcrumb-link-hover-text-decoration
New: Breadcrumbs add options to customize $breadcrumb-separator-font-weight, $breadcrumb-active-font-weight
New: Breadcrumbs add option to customize $breadcrumb-border-radius independent of global border-radius
New: Lexicon Base Breadcrumbs add options to customize $breadcrumb-font-size, $breadcrumb-font-weight, $breadcrumb-text-transform, $breadcrumb-link-color and remove unnecessary variable exists checks
New: Lexicon Base Table List add option to customize $table-header-font-size, $table-header-font-weight, $table-header-min-height
New: Lexicon Base Table List add option to customize $table-list-body-row-bg
New: Table List add option to customize $table-list-font-size
New Table List add options to customize $table-list-header-bg, $table-list-header-border-bottom-width, $table-list-header-font-size, $table-list-header-font-weight, $table-list-header-min-height, $table-list-header-vertical-alignment
New: Tables add option to customize $table-list-color
New: Tables add option to customize $table-list-link-color, $table-list-link-color-hover
Fix: Tabular-list-group and tabular-list-group-unstyled should fill its container width
Fix: Long text in badges and labels should break to new line and be constrained to its container
Update: Panels in card styles
Update: Sidebar adjust data-list spacing and break-word sidebar-block
Update: Add clearfix to sidebar-header
Site: Add Panel in Card example to Test Assorted page
Site: Add example of badge with long text in test assorted
Site: Update sidebar dl examples
v1.0.13 - December 01, 2016
New: Tabular-list-group-unstyled
New: Added .sidebar-actions, .sidebar-title, .sidebar-caption, .sidebar-block classes to Sidebar
Fix: #290 table-striped and table-hover should work with table-list
Update: Change toggle-switch-bar min-height to height
Update: #289 Add nowrap in toggle label
Update: Toggle Switch remove uneeded margin-left on :checked .toggle-switch-handle:after
Update: Move deprecated list-group styles to list-group-deprecated
Update: Add styles for case .sidebar-actions > li > span > a
Update: Add styles for a.sidebar-title case
Site: Update list-group docs with tabular-list-group-unstyled and add tabular-list-group-unstyled to sidebar
Site: Update pages with Sidebar demos
v1.0.12 - November 21, 2016
Breaking: Nameplates move some hard coded css values to variables, remove selectors .nameplate-content h# and .nameplate-content small, move auto fitting nameplates to .nameplate-label-autofit-xs-max
Breaking: Remove unused slider component from Atlas
New: Added input-group-constrain and input-group-insert to Input Groups
Fix: Atlas form-validation select[multiple] should have no dropdown icon
Fix: Toggle Switch data-label-off and data-label-on text positioning in Firefox
Fix: Atlas mobile navbar search close button shouldn’t overlap input border
Fix: Really long text inside fieldsets should break to new line
Fix: Atlas management-bar dropdown is misaligned a little bit
Fix: Chrome rendering issue with responsive-tables and td position relative
Update: Increase Management Bar Item Title max-width to 180px
Update: Truncate Text in Tabular List Group should break to new line in IE9
Update: Make Toolbars easier to use
Update: Move deprecated list-group components to _list-group-deprecated.scss
Update: Deprecate list-group-card variables
Update: Deprecate $toolbar-group-padding-horizontal and $header-toolbar-padding-horizontal
Update: Deprecate Lexicon mixins color-toggle-switch-bar(), color-toggle-switch-button(), color-toggle-switch-bar-icon(), and color-toggle-switch-button-icon()
Update: Move Atlas scaffolding styles to type
Update: Input Group Constrain should be sized properly with input-group-lg and input-group-sm
Update: Move Input Group focus, hover, and basic-search-close z-index to variables
Update: Sidebar Navbar to apply to other container-fluid classes e.g. container-fluid-1280
Update: Using the transparentize built in function so we can more easily see what the hex values are
Update: Dropdown border-color to use rgba
Update: Optimize Form Validation for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Input Groups for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Nameplates for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Popovers for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Toggle Switch for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Toolbars for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Tooltip for better IE9 support and deprecate $tooltip-inner-max-width
Update: Optimize User Icons for better IE9 support
Site: Add select[multiple] examples to Form Validation page
Site: Update nameplate demos to include more use cases and update code examples
Site: Move deprecated List Groups to bottom and add IE9 exception
Site: Update Toolbars documentation with better examples
Site: Update User Icon code examples
Site: Add input-group-constrain sizes to Test Assorted
Site: Input Groups page add docs for input-group-constrain and input-group-insert and Source Format
Site: Test Assorted page add case for input-group-constrain and input-group-insert
Site: Add Input Groups examples to Test Assorted
Site: Forms Add really long text example to fieldset demo
Site: Update table-list demo in Test Assorted to include more content
v1.0.11 - November 3, 2016
New: Lexicon text-editor icon
Fix: Checkbox alignment in list-group-item-field
Fix: More Checkbox alignment in Management Bar, Cards, and List Group
Fix: Checkbox and Radio alignment in Management Bar
Fix: Navbar alignment in Sidebar
Fix: Lexicon Icon alignment in Labels
Fix: Label icon styles bleed into Checkbox Card
Update: Removing plus sign from Lexicon moon icon
Update: Deprecate @mixin select-box-icon($color)
Update: Deprecate @mixin style-figcaption()
Update: Figures move font-weight and padding values to variables, add figcaption-middle
Update: Special spacing only for Checkboxes and Dropdowns in td:first-child and td:last-child
Update: More Cards optimization for better IE9 support and source formatting
Update: More optimizations to Icons for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Button Groups for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Figures for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Forms for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Modals for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Nav Tabs for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Pagination for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Panels for better IE9 support, move some hard coded values to variables, and source formatting
Update: Optimize Progress Bars for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Sidebar for better IE9 support
Optimize: Side Navigation for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Tables for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Typography for better IE9 support
Site: Update Documents and Media example page and add more examples to Test Assorted
Site: Update Figures docs
Site: Update Typography docs
Site: Add Modal demo to Assorted Visual Tests
Site: Add Table example without Checkbox or Dropdown in Test Assorted
v1.0.10 - October 13, 2016
Update: Align reference-marks and icons inside control-label
Update: Reset border styles when using nav-tabs in navbar
Site: Add more examples of reference marks and icons inside control-label
v1.0.9 - October 12, 2016
Breaking: Atlas dropdown menu no longer truncates text
Breaking: Renaming get-lx-svg-icon to lx-icon
New: Typography class reference-mark for adding reference marks next to text
Fix: Management Bar height should include borders
Fix: Rename get-lx-svg-icon to lx-icon in forms and breadcrumbs
Fix: Collapsible search should transition for browsers that support css transitions
Update: Rebuild svg icon scss map
Update: Lexicon SVG icons add attribute width and height to svgs for use with background-image
Update: $color should be added on lexicon-icon-outline and width and height are needed for IE
Update: Management bar styles should win over nav styles
Update: Deprecate unused Atlas dropdown variables
Update: Deprecate list-group-card, tabular list group states, detailed-list-view and add option to disable these
Update: Adding the ability to use any lexicon icon and build the scss map from the icons directory
Update: Optimize alerts for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize badges and labels css selectors
Update: Optimize breadcrumbs css, add breadcrumb-horizontal, use svg for breadcrumb separator
Update: Optimize buttons for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize dropdowns for better ie9 support
Update: Optimize list-groups for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize management bar for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize nav component for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Navbar for better IE9 support
Update: Optimize Pager for better IE9 support
Update: Deprecate color-placeholder mixin in favor of Bootstraps placeholder mixin
Site: Add reference-mark example to typography and update pages that need it
Site: Fix typo at progress bar
Site: Update Navbar demos to include more cases
Site: Update Add Button demo to a better use case
Site: Document Lexicon SVG functions
Site: Clean up documents and media demo
Site: Update list-group-card demos, update tabular list group code example, and reorder list-group demos
Site: Update buttons demos
Site: Add breadcrumb-horizontal demo
Site: Font awesome use css import for better ie9 support
Misc: Add minimum node.js version (v4.6.0 LTS) to readme
Misc: Minimize property access
v1.0.8 - September 12, 2016
Breaking: Remove dropdown-left-side, right-side, and top use cases from navbar
Breaking: Removed support for contextual buttons (btn-primary, btn-danger, btn-warning, etc) in management bar
Fix: Collapsible Search should work for browsers that don’t support css transitions
Fix: Atlas table heading font weight and font size should only apply to bootstrap tables
Update: Change checkbox and radio cursor to pointer
Update: Atlas move modal-footer box shadow to variable
Update: Optimize css dropdown selectors
Update: Reduce card css selectors
Update: Add sticker color variables
Update: Reduce number of css selectors for icon-monospaced with font awesome icons
Update: Reduce number of selectors in management bar
Site: Add more cases to dropdown demos
Site: Fix alignment on collapsible search navbar examples
Site: Sidenav should work on Blog Appearance and Blog Actions pages
v1.0.7 - August 30, 2016
Fix: Word-wrap should work on card-col-content
Update: Horizontal card first and last columns should have border radius
Update: icon-monospaced should work for Font Awesome icons if class is on the same element
Update: Modal text should change color based on theme
Update: Modal Close button should change color based on theme
Update: Remove keyword screen from media-queries
Update: Use variable $default-text to set panel-default heading and footer text
Site: Margin on pre element throws off code panel slide animation
Site: Cards page use stickers inside horizontal card demos
Site: _site.scss doesn’t use atlas variables
Site: Remove keyword screen from media-queries
v1.0.6 - August 23, 2016
Breaking: Remove Bourbon dependency from Lexicon Base and Atlas
New: Add lx-color-by-lightness function
Fix: Atlas input-group-lg help-icon should be fully underlined
Update: Deprecate calcLexiconIconPadding, and move global functions to having an ‘lx-‘ prefix (and also, normalizing function name style)
Update: Move functions to separate file so they can be used in variables
Update: Move help-icon-default colors to variables and calculate color, hover color based on background
Update: Deprecate size-user-icon() mixin
Update: Comments to sass comments
Site: Header Toolbar demo sidenav should be open
Site: Remove Bourbon dependency from sites
Misc: Removing bourbon devDependencies
v1.0.5 - August 16, 2016
Fix: Center linear loader icon inside button and styles should apply to anchor tags with btn class
Fix: Loader icon colors should change color based on theme
Fix: management-bar-default color bleeds into dropdowns
Fix: solved unclosed line 32
Fix: Lexicon Icon vertical alignment in sticker component
Update: Remove duplicate user-icon mixins from Atlas
Update: Management Bar btn-default should inherit colors from Bootstrap
Update: Lexicon Base card component add $fallback-border and $border-style
Update: Scrollbar in IE covers content
Site: Code examples should only have one background color
Site: Fix Nav Tabs Grid code panel
Site: Use svg icons in the heading links
Site: Progress bar demo page update progress bar sizes titles
Site: Progress bar demo page fix example code collapsible panel
Site: Site header should be aligned with main nav
Site: siteConfig button should be in container in large screens
Site: Add more examples of lexicon icons in sticker component
Misc: Update readme
Misc: Reload page after changes
Misc: Add browser-sync static file server
Misc: Show sourcemap contents
Misc: We need to patch the variables file before we publish to NPM (otherwise, the files throw errors when including the sass files)
v1.0.4 - June 24, 2016
New: adding 2 new icons (organizations and password-policies)
Update: thickening the user and users icon
v1.0.3 - June 22, 2016
Update: sidenav-js-fouc should hide only the sidenav
Update: icon-monospaced should work on an icon if it is a direct parent
Update: Checkboxes in card should be vertically centered
Site: Update icon-monospaced doc and add example of icon wrapped by icon-monospaced in management bar
Misc: Setting artifactName back to the proper one
v1.0.2 - June 13, 2016
Update: Adding new icons
Site: Removing unneeded files
Misc: Forgot to include a README and CHANGELOG in published NPM package (will be there on next publish)
Misc: Since this info can live in the package.json, and it’s not updated frequently, we can just pluck out all of the fields from the root package.json
Misc: Excluding the website specific items
Misc: We can replace the index.js at the root and just use it as the template to include
Misc: Making the package private to prevent accidental publishing
Misc: Moving the clean to happen at the start
v1.0.1 - June 8, 2016
Breaking: Move navbar-collapse-absolute from navbar-collapse to navbar
Update: Table-responsive should use momentum based scrolling for touch devices
Site: Update navbar-collapse-absolute docs
v1.0.0 - May 26, 2016
Breaking: Move sidebar-header-actions link colors to separate variables
Update: Card-horizontal should use card styles
Site: Update sidenavs to use sidebar-header-actions
v0.2.16 - May 20, 2016
Fix: Sidenav-right js api should animate properly on android
Fix: Panel-title should break-word not break-all
Fix: Table-heading-nowrap should work on .table-cell-content in thead
v0.2.15 - May 17, 2016
Breaking: Sidenav should use open instead of closed to display nav, reduce specificity, active class should be removed from toggler
Breaking: Remove table-responsive-flip and table-responsive-collapse
Fix: Side Navigation mobile bug introduced in 4a3ae4f
Fix: Atlas navbar collapse-basic-search focus style extends too far right
Fix: path/url issues on Windows when building
Fix: Cards to use dropdown bg color (otherwise, dark themes don’t properly display cards)
Update: truncate-text and table-cell-content older browser css fallback
Update: Card Simple Grid to work with truncate-text without clamp component
Update: Add fallback for truncated text inside tables
Update: Alert Notification should use max-width
Update: Reduce simple side nav default width to 320px and remove body-fixed class
Update: Tables make truncate-text work without clamp component
Update: Table-list text color
Update: Add table-autofit and table-heading-nowrap to tables
Update: Adding new Lexicon icons
Update: card-block should break really long words
Update: Cards don’t use class*= selector, reorganize card scss, and add card-block
Update: Nested card-rows in checkbox-card have space for checkbox
Update: Cards add class card-block
Update: Side Navigation add class sidenav-js-fouc to avoid flash of unstyled content
Update: Side Navigation support for RTL
Site: Update sidenav demos to use open class
Site: Remove clamp component from card demos and horizontal cards with images should work in ie10
Site: Tables remove clamp component and table-cell-field from table demos
Site: Update table docs with table-autofit and table-heading-nowrap
Site: Update card docs with changes
Site: Update sidenav docs and pages using side-navigation
v0.2.14 - April 19, 2016
Breaking: Remove tab-groups component
Update: Collapsible Search should work with RTL
Update: Create radio-card
Update: Radio input in chrome is off by 1px
Site: Add check-source-formatter custom config
Site: Remove reference to Bourbon 3.2.1 bug in Progress Bars
Site: Update cards docs to include radio-card
v0.2.13 - April 15, 2016
Breaking: Remove label-monospaced use stickers instead
Breaking: Remove badge-monospaced use stickers instead
Breaking: Remove card-dm and toggle-card-dm styles
Fix: IE text in card not truncating
Fix: Side Navigation animation when changing orientation from landscape to portrait
Update: Add sticker positional classes that match other components e.g. checkbox-card
Update: Add class sticker-static for statically positioned stickers
Update: Add max-height to dropdowns
Update: Focus outline for truncated links are cut off
Update: Checkbox card should work if you only want the checkbox to be clickable
Site: Remove references to dropdown-menu-no-arrow
Site: Update badges, labels, and stickers documentation
Site: Cards page dropdown-toggle alignment
Site: Cards page move icon-monospaced to the parent element
Site: Remove docs related to card-dm and toggle-card-dm
Site: Add checkbox card documentation
v0.2.12 - March 25, 2016
Update: Remove icon-* selector from alloy-font-awesome, and instead only target defined icons
v0.2.11 - March 23, 2016
Update: Search bar covers active style when navbars are in narrow column
Update: Nameplate content text should be vertically centered in mobile
Update: Added styling for cards to also have a radio
Update: th element should have height so headings aren’t clipped when every column is clamped
Update: Add table helper classes for vertical alignment
Site: Clean up Blog Actions demo
Site: Update tables page with helper documentation
v0.2.10 - March 8, 2016
Fix: Collapsible Search covers navbar-collapse items on mobile
Fix: Encoding spaces in the SVG mixin, as the YUI compressor will munge the whole thing up
Update: Lexicon table clamp-container spacing when its first child and add min-widths to table cells inside table-responsive
Update: Change table-list row background color in Atlas
v0.2.9 - March 1, 2016
Update: Collapsible Search should use event delegation
Update: the (non-flag) icons to have either (or both in many cases) of a class of lexicon-icon-outline or lexicon-icon-body on their child elements. This allows them to be more easily targeted via CSS.
Update: Include all icons in release task (so that people can use icons individually)
Site: Update Collapsible Search documentation with event delegation stuff
v0.2.8 - February 25, 2016
Update: Normalized the viewBox attribute for the flag icons to use the same metrics as the other icons
Fix: Removed IDs from flag icon groups as they would cause issues when using the icon
v0.2.7 - February 24, 2016
Fix: Add work around for ios not respecting overflow hidden on body (Fixes #132)
Update: Added new icons check-circle, cut, paragraph, paste, radio-button, select-from-list, and text
Update: Added new flag icons
v0.2.6 - February 22, 2016
The released versions for v0.2.3-v0.2.5 had invalid jars being created due to an error in the maven build script. This should be finally resolved.
v0.2.3 - February 19, 2016
Fix: Side Navigation lazy loading doesn’t try to reload content that was never loaded
New: Add Lexicon CSS only Loaders
Update: Sidenav will now add the css loading indicator automatically
Update: Side Navigation should show loading indicator when using ajax
Update: Higher contrast tooltip bg color
Site: Update Side Navigation docs with loading indicator
v0.2.2 - February 8, 2016
Fix: Remove margins on dropdown icon-monospaced
Fix: Management bar link spacing in Atlas
Fix: Data url shouldn’t place content inside multiple sidebar-body when nested
Fix: Padding on the .sidenav-container in resolutions wider than 1300px is no longer removed (Fixes #129)
Fix: The SVG desktop icon had an inline attribute that prevented styling
Update: the sidenav plugin now toggles a CSS class of active when it’s open and closed.
Update: Add disabled class to management bar
Update: Add events openStart.lexicon.sidenav and closedStart.lexicon.sidenav
Update: Align items in left and right sides of nav components when using container-fluid-1280
Update: New buttons opacity for disabled buttons (configurable via the variable $btn-disabled-opacity)
v0.2.1 - January 29, 2016
Breaking: Remove IE’s clear field button in Atlas
Breaking: Side Navigation plugin instantiates on page load when using data-toggle=”sidenav”
Fix: <a class="badge badge-default"> text color should be blue on hover
Fix: Side Navigation defaults to delegate false if use-delegate undefined
Fix: Side Navigation delegate should work on regular sidenav
Update: Side Navigation close button should use delegate
Update: Allowing the sidenav plugin to return a value from methods that can be invoked, as well as add an instance method that will return the current instance
Update: Side Navigation adding destroy method (Fixes #116)
Update: Nameplates links and text styles should be different
Update: Remove text-shadow from Atlas .close
Update: Remove Atlas dropdown arrows
Site: Document new side navigation methods
v0.1.32 - January 29, 2016
Pat botched this release – ignore
v0.1.31 - January 14, 2016
Breaking: Change collapse open and close icons to be compatible with svg. Please see this page to find the updated markup.
Breaking: Don’t apply figure styles to element
Breaking: Removed the Product Menu from the code base, since it’s now only in Liferay.
Fix: (Fixes #88) links inside list-group-item should be properly colored
Fix: Fix Lexicon navbar and management-bar borders inside sidebar
Fix: Long text inside horizontal card should break to new line in firefox
Fix: List-group-heading focus border shouldn’t be covered by next element
Fix: List-group-heading shouldn’t be underlined on hover or focus
Fix: Atlas dropdown arrows should be aligned to monospaced icon
Update: Add lazy loading through data-url to side navigation plugin
Update: Badges and Stickers should inherit from Labels
Update: Separate Lexicon labels from badges
Update: Add mixins for coloring dropdown-toggle and dropdown-menu
Update: navbar and management-bar no collapse dropdown should have background color
Update: Cards dropdown color should be $dropdown-link-color
Update: Align checkboxes and buttons on the left and right side for:
Site: Updated the Sidebar Detail list to use a DL element
Site: Release entries in the changelog can be linked to
Site: Checkbox should be checked when table list is active
Site: Update documents and media demo to current mark up
Site: Update blog appearance demo to current mark up
Site: Update blog actions demo to current mark up
Site: Added a Visual Tests section to compare and test changes
v0.1.30 - January 14, 2016
v0.1.29 - January 14, 2016
Nate botched this release – ignore
v0.1.28 - December 23, 2015
No changes, just bumping because of issues with WebJars/Maven caching.
v0.1.27 - December 22, 2015
Updated bower.json to exclude non-essential directories
v0.1.26 - December 22, 2015
Breaking: Rename management-bar-right to management-bar-nav-right
New: Updated the Sidenav component, adding the following new methods: hide(), show(), toggle(), and visible() (Documentation)
New: Added the following new icons:
Update: Atlas th element and .table-cell-field should be styled to match Lexicon mock ups
Update: Dropdowns in navbar should be properly styled in all screen sizes (Fixes #91)
Update: Moved variable tooltip-inner-max-width to Lexicon Base, renamed files from tooltips to tooltip
Update: Btn-default styles in management-bar and active state
Update: (Fixes #82) Atlas checkboxes and radio buttons to be bigger
Update: Allow multiple Simple Sidenav Togglers to open sidenav
Update: Add support for placing text around toggle-switch (Fixes #81)
Update: Atlas select box arrows are svg instead of image
v0.1.25 - November 12, 2015
Fix: Caret Icons caret-top and caret-bottom should be center aligned
Update: Action button should be under dropdowns, popovers, and tooltips
Update: Collapsible panels whole panel heading should be clickable
v0.1.24 - November 12, 2015
Publishing the build files (Nate’s fault)
v0.1.23 - November 12, 2015
Update: Icon-monospaced should work with svg icons
Update: Added new icons, info-circle, info-circle-open, caret-top, and caret-bottom
Site: Add icon-monospaced to svg icons
v0.1.22 - November 12, 2015
Fix: Navbar-toggle should have outline on focus
Breaking: Remove link-group
Update: Add navbar layout helper classes for better keyboard accessibility
Update: Keyboard focus shouldn’t enter collapsible search when closed
Update: Keyboard focus shouldn’t enter a side navigation that is closed
Update: Move clamp css to its own file
Update: Atlas modal-title font-weight 400
Site: Update pages to work with new headings identifier selector
Site: Use more specific heading identifier to prevent unwanted headings to be targetted
Site: Convert remaining icons to svg, except ones in pseudo elements
Site: Convert to lexicon icons in input-groups, form-validation, list-groups, and navbar
Site: Use table-cell-field instead of table-list-field for consistency.
Site: Change icons to lexicon svg icons on Alert, Cards, Header Toolbar, and Management Bar pages
Site: Misc site updates
Site: Update side navigation docs
Site: Update navbar docs
Site: Reorganize navbar contents for better tabbing
Site: Added skip to content button
Site: Align settings button on mobile
Site: Don’t use side-navigation plugin for sites nav
Site: Update table-list demo to something more useful
Site: Increase Sass precision to 8
v0.1.21 - October 30, 2015
New: Add sizes sm, default, md, lg to Lexicon icons
New: Add timeline component
Update: Size Lexicon icons in badges and labels, labels fully extends badges
Update: Remove custom font and custom styling from checkboxes and radio
Update: Convert remaining checkbox-default and radio-default to checkbox and radio
Update: Change checkboxes in management bar from checkbox-default to checkbox
Update: Move checkbox-default and radio-default styles to checkbox and radio
Fix: Reorder management bar HTML to keep focus order
Fix: Dropdown-toggles should have focus ring
Fix: Heading-anchor should show on focus
Fix: Atlas header-toolbar-default divider shouldnt show if there is only one item
Fix: Atlas control-label class should be styled like label
Site: Change badges and label demos to svg icons
Site: Update headings selector and reorganize sections
Misc: Added this changelog :)
v0.1.20 - October 28, 2015
Moving svg4everybody to the footer to be available on all pages
Adding svg4everybody to our icons page
Adding svg4everybody via bower, and changing the update task to updating bower in general
LPS-59013 - Update metalsmith-headings-identifier
Atlas: color dropdown-toggle icon-ellipsis-vertical only in cards
Make structural class names, table-list-field and table-list-content, more general
Truncating text should work inside table-list-content
LPS-59013 hidden-xs class deleted
Lexicon-base _variables should only be importing partials and remove unused variables from atlas
Add progress bar sizes
Add form validation states for select and readonly input, remove unused mixins, and docs
Add list-group-card
Navbar and Management Bar No Collapse dropdowns should be styled in mobile
Side-navigation and content should be equal height before opening
Use site’s bootstrap.js instead of cdn and remove unused includes from head
Side Navigation delegate click should only be instantiated once per toggler class
Components should only list components that are in the guidelines pdf
Adding bootstrap resources
Adding Bootstrap JS to the payload
v0.1.19 - September 30, 2015
Adding hover effects
Cleaning up unneeded files/changes
Adding new svg icons
Adding icons.svg sprite file
Add panel-blank
Remove todo page in favor of github issues
Add breadcrumb-vertical and documentation
New barebone panel
Cards: remove card-horizontal-dm, standardize card-checkbox, and add helper classes for truncating text
Normally when we use a bg cover image we want center it
Update Flexbox Cards and flexbox grid to work in IE and FF
Setting width/height for icons
Adding html page
Adding gulp tasks for creating svgs
Adding svgs
v0.1.18 - September 24, 2015
Adding links in headers
Nav spacing improvements
Improvements to the navigation
Add helpers for aspect ratios with background images
Lexicon: add font smoothing for osx
Add best practices page
New font sizes:
Remove old flexbox card styles
v0.1.17 - September 16, 2015
Lexicon: Remove control menu
Lexicon: add data api to collapsible-search and also documentation
Collapsible search transition ending too early
Atlas: breadcrumbs first child is misaligned
Side-navigation transition ending too early
Rename cells to table-list-field and table-list-content, also vertically center table-list-content with top: 50%
v0.1.16 - September 03, 2015
Added custom open class name to _toggleSimpleSidenav
Side-navigation.js delegate causes all menus to open
btn-action-secondary should have z-index
Document sidebar component
Flexbox cards
Add simple flexbox grid
Fix out of date README
Add simple flexbox helper classes
Adding version to website header, stamping css and JS (non-bootstrap) with our version and copyright, reminding us to deploy the website after a release, and a small website fix
Atlas: select box arrows shouldn’t overlap option text
Update cards border radius to work with overflow visible
Add table-list skin for tables
Vertically center breadcrumb
Remove control-menu from lexicon
atlas: remove old btn-toolbar styles
atlas: control-menu colors shouldn’t bleed into nested components
lexicon: add card-row-layout-fixed and card-horizontal-dm
lexicon: add truncate-text class
lexicon: breadcrumb > li should have max-width and truncate text
v0.1.12 - August 21, 2015
atlas: Validation inputs should have input-color not input-label-color, add validation state colors for radios and checkbox
lexicon: add bottom and top properties to modal-open class for safari/chrome
Blogs Actions example: remove inline-scroller from dropdowns
side-navigation: change toggler open state from active to open
Images and Thumbnails demo align left image shapes
lexicon: Remove overflow hidden from cards, add crop-img component, and update card/images docs
Documents and media demo change badge-primary to badge-default
Toggle card dm borders
Toggles Demo remove unused code examples
atlas: reduce vertical padding of tooltips
Blog Actions demo change name of modal
Documents and Media demo cards should be in a list
atlas: adjust padding on some product-menu elements
Blog Actions demo box shadow is hidden by sidenav-container
side-navigation: sidenav-fixed shouldn’t be added to toggler
side-navigation: use doc variable instead of
side-navigation: add/remove active and sidenav-transition class on toggler when menu opens/closes
v0.1.11 - August 17, 2015
Read-only inputs are partially obstructed by padding in Firefox
lexicon: remove color property from control-menu
atlas: list-group-header should have background-color
card border shouldn’t inherit from navbar border
Wrong dropdown markup in portlet topper demo
Remove old helpers no-shadow and square-border
dropdown-toggles should have class dropdown-toggle
management-bar: dropdown toggles using btn should match other management-bar link styles
management-bar: add some horizontal padding
atlas: management-bar buttons should be spaced properly in desktop
management-bar btns should be vertically aligned
lexicon: change default card border-color for better compatibility with third party themes
lexicon: Source Format - One media query per property
lexicon: navbar-toggle and collapse components should use variables
Links in sidebar-header and sidebar-footer shouldn’t be underlined
Product Menu parts shouldn’t be combined with regular sidebar
Remove list-group-header colors for better compatibility with third party themes
Sidebar and sidebar-inverse link-colors should be based on variables
modal-inverse colors should be based on variables
Calculate modal footer height for fullscreen modals
lexicon: toggle-switch-on and toggle-card-on colors should be based on brand-primary
lexicon: basic-search-close should change color based on variables
Remove equal-height sass placeholders
Remove clearfix-hack mixin
Decrease sidenav-fixed z-index so modals appear over it
Remove nameplate-list and profile-header components
lexicon: nameplate-label variable names should start with nameplate-label
Add nameplate-label with demos
atlas: increase full-screen-modal top position
Add nameplate label states
atlas: fix gap between modal-body and modal-footer
lexicon: alert-notification should be 100% in mobile
Add alert-notification class for notifications
atlas: Remove notifications component in favor of alternate alert style
atlas: Remove duplicate css in disabled checkbox and radios
atlas: Remove alternate checkbox/radio components, and update hard coded colors in checkbox-default and radio-default to variables
atlas: change navbar-default colors
atlas: dropdowns should have spacing between toggle and dropdown
Add multi-step-progress-bar-collapse, multi-step-progress-bar-fixed, and update docs
multi-step-progress-bar: use positioning to create space between icons
product-menu: use lfr-icon-menu taglib markup
nav-equal-height-heading span tags should be aligned
Add documentation for nav-equal-height and add vertical and horizontal padding variables
v0.1.10 - August 06, 2015
Add links to footer and update site-administration-toolbar
side-navigation: add option to delegate click event
Add Multi-step-progress-bar
control-menu: use justify-content and colors for atlas control-menu
atlas: select input should have no top or bottom padding
Control Menu component
Update side-navigation docs
side-navigation: sidenav-slider should have transition
side-navigation: toggleSimpleSidenav content should match first element
side-navigation: add data-target option to simple sidenav
side-navigation: menu and content should be the right height on load, equal height should run after dom operations
site: remove overflow on #wrapper
side-navigation: add simple sidenav option
v0.1.9 - August 03, 2015
side-navigation: type fixed shouldn’t push content over
side-navigation: rename transitions variable to transitionEnd
portlet-topper: use flexbox for alignment
lexicon: user-icon should be transparent bg
Adjust h tag sizes and remove some duplicate functionality
atlas: form-group margin-bottom 20px
atlas: label margin-bottom 2px
atlas: change padding on inputs to 6px 4px
atlas: portlet-topper border-radius to 4px
product-menu navs
lexicon: nav-nested with nav-equal-height-heading should be indented
lexicon: add nav-equal-height and nav-nested-margins
In firefox, absolutely positioned elements don’t take up 100% width by default
side-navigation: fire events open.lexicon.sidenav and closed.lexicon.sidenav when state changes
lexicon: product-menu-tabs font-size should be smaller
v0.1.8 - July 28, 2015
atlas: user-icon bg should be transparent
atlas: change button sizes
lexicon: create portlet-topper component
lexicon: anchor tags with dropdown-toggle class shouldn’t be underlined on focus or hover
v0.1.7 - July 27, 2015
lexicon: use navbar-padding-horizontal for left right margin and padding
lexicon: navbar-toggle and navbar-collapse items should use calculated vertical padding
lexicon: navbar should be aligned and styled if navbar variables are changed
Removed sidebar fixed demo
panels: style like collapse item mock ups
product-menu: align collapse icons
lexicon: option to change collapse icon for different components
Add lexicon-base-variables.scss and atlas-variables.scss
lexicon: rename vertical-align-middle to collapse-icon-middle
Change show-collapse-icon to collapse-icon and update panel docs